1. Believe Picture- Have it sitting up against my plant on the dining room table
2. Vanilla Powder- Used it this morning when I made Chucky a pancake{it was yummy}
3. Oven Mit, Towel, & Pot Holder- Haven't used it yet, but I am going to.
4. Bath & Body Lotion- Frosted Cranberry{it smells so good}
5. Peppermint Candy- Soft and Melts in my mouth;p
6. Note Pad- Is on my fridge where I have all the comings & goings of mine & Chuky's life.
7. Gift Tags- They are of many different colors, and will be used very soon.
8. Advent Calendar- Chucky's Favorite!!
Before Pictures: She took the time to wrap everything so pretty.
Thank you Brandy for the wonderful items! I really appreciate the time and thought that you put into these wonderful items, especially not knowing anything about me{which is the FUN part}.